Stephen B. Pearl's speculative fiction books

Stephen B. Pearl


My ratings are an unofficial guide.

Science fiction

Cats - a cyberworld adventure

Cats - a cyberworld adventure book cover - cyberpunk, science fiction, gamelit novel

A futuristic, science fiction, cyberpunk, gamelit, action-adventure novel - PG14, adult.

Location: the future.

Published by Anhk Shen Publishing

ISBN-13: 978-1-7753641-0-8 paperback;
ISBN-13: 978-1-7753641-1-5 ebook.

13 chapters, 209 pages, ~51,700 words.

     The cerebral interface has revolutionised society. Need a ride? With a thought the cab is on its way. Want an adventure? Enter a VR 5 computer game nearly indistinguishable from reality.

     Amanda arranges for her Big Sisters Program little sister, Rachel, to spend a day gaming as a fourteenth birthday present. Amanda never suspects that her insane ex-boyfriend, Jim, will use a computer virus to trap her and her companions in the game.

     A pleasant diversion becomes a life and death struggle as her party sarty seek a way to come back to the real world without triggering a program that will cause nanobots to rip their brains to shreds.

     To complicate matters, in the game scenario the adventurers have been transformed into cats. Will the party survive? Will Amanda admit that Rachel’s older brother, Tyrell, might just be her future? Will the computer virus Jim used to trap them become a cyber plague that could kill thousands?

     Part of the proceeds will be donated to cat charities.

Cats - a cyberworld adventure - Description and free chapter.

Available from: Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
and Barnes and Noble and Nook, and other book store locations.

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War of the Worlds 2030

War of the Worlds 2030 book cover - military science-fiction romance novel

A military science-fiction romance, action-adventure novel - NC17, adult - adult content, some explicit sexuality.

Location: USA - southern California and Maine.

Published by Damnation Books / Caliburn Press.

ISBN-10: 1629290505,
ISBN-13: 978-1629290508 paperback;
ISBN-13: 978-1629290492 e-book.

33 chapters, 240 pages.

     I am Doctor Richard Green. The Darmuks came across the stars pretending friendship. Humanity flocked to them. Ashley, Zane and I struggled to understand the technology they offered.

     Now war rages, man against mutant beasts. Worse, the Darmuks have taken Ashley, made her a modem for their biological computer. Their mistake! I can defeat their science, and give my species a chance, but to do it Zane and I must join Ashley, sacrifice all we are and hope it will be enough.

War of the Worlds 2030 - Description and free chapters.

Available from: Chapters and Indigo,
Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
and other book store locations.

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Love's Guardian

Love's Guardian book cover - science fiction, romance erotica

A science fiction, romance, erotica, detective novel - NC17, adult - explicit sexuality.

Location: future Canada - Toronto, Ontario.

First edition named Slaves of Love.

Published by Club Lighthouse Publishing.

ISBN-10: 1772171840,
ISBN-13: 978-1772171846,

39 chapters, ~349 pages, ~99,500 words.

     Race is a private eye, ex-cop in the year 2105. As a left over from an undercover mission he must struggle to control Ralph, an artificial personality implanted in Race so that he could infiltrate the crime syndicates. Ralph is a sociopath, immune to the anti-violence conditioning everyone receives at the age of ten. The Race personality retains control of his body until Astra, Race's secret fantasy, is slipped protoerotoskillen, a drug that turns her into a love-slave. To save Astra, Race releases the Ralph personality so that he can force Todd, Astra's handler, to tell him how to counter the drug. Race also forces Todd to give evidence against the crime syndicate to the police.

     Lois, a dirty cop breaks Todd out of police custody and takes him to Percival, the local crime boss. Percival becomes aware of Ralph's existence and decides to increase Race's stress level so that the Ralph personality can take control. With the precision of a chess master Percival uses protoerotoskillen and venusfly, a drug that induces a nearly irresistible lust, to manipulate Race’s family and friends towards their destruction.

     Will Race realise his loved ones are under attack in time to save them? Is Astra's love real or drug induced, and will it be enough to hold Race’s sanity together? What does Ralph think of this situation, and can a sociopath learn to love? Most importantly, how can a man who can't hit back defend what he holds dear?

Love's Guardian - free chapters, NC17, age 18+, adult literature.

Available from: Club Lighthouse Publishing,
Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
Barnes and Noble and Nook, Kobo, and other booksellers.

Discussion on cross-genre writing and Love's Guardian, from Writers Party.


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Havens in the Storm

Havens in the Storm novel - traditional swords and sorcery fantasy novel

A swords and sorcery, fantasy novel - PG16, adult.

Published by Anhk Shen.

ISBN-13: 978-1-7753641-3-9,
ISBN-13: 978-1-775364-2-2,

29 chapters, 344 pages, ~78,500 words.

     Left for dead behind enemy lines, prince Dominel seeks refuge in an abandoned stronghold of the slaughtered wizards. There he is recruited and trained by undead mages in the once forbidden magics so that he can close the doors into the world of man and halt the advance of the horde of monsters known as the storm.

     Can the strength of a lone wizard stand against a god of evil bent on ruling all the worlds of monsters and men?

     Will other races stand as friends or foes in Dominel’s quest?

     Can Dominel open himself to memories of his past lives without fracturing his sanity and becoming a worse threat than the monsters he seeks to halt?

     And what of the man who is prince, king and wizard? What space is left for him in a life of crushing duty and wondrous enchantment?

Havens in the Storm - free chapters.

Available from: Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
and other book store locations.

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Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart book cover - paranormal romance novel

A paranormal, modern fantasy, romance novel - NC17, adult - some explicit sexuality.

Location: UK - Bakewell, Peak District National Park, Derby, and Avebury, England.

Published by Dark Dragon Publishing.

ISBN-10: 0987972685,
ISBN-13: 978-0987972682 paperback;
ISBN-13: 978-0987972699 e-book.

37 chapters + epilogue, 352 pages, ~116,000 words

The winner of the Romance Character Battles from OWS CyCon 2019 was Markus Tep from Worlds Apart by Stephen B. Pearl.

     Markus, a wizard from a parallel earth, travels to our world in a bid to stop a blight that is destroying his own. Here he meets Alcina, a Wiccan Priestess, who is in a custody battle over her son, Tim, against Carl, the boy's sire, who abandoned her when she was pregnant eight years ago. Carl has the backing of a dangerous religious cult in his bid to take custody.

     Can Markus help save the boy? Can Alcina help save a world and what of the growing attraction between them? Can love bridge the gap between people that are Worlds Apart.

Worlds Apart - free chapters.

Worlds Apart book trailer book trailer.

Available from: Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
Smashwords, Barnes and Noble and Nook, Kobo, and other book store locations.

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The Hollow Curse

The Hollow Curse book cover - paranormal, romance erotica

A paranormal romance, erotica novel, spanning centuries - NC17, adult - explicit sexuality.

Location: historic and present day UK, USA and Canada - York, England; Colorado Territories, USA; southern Ontario, Canada.

Published by Club Lighthouse Publishing.

ISBN-13: 978-1897532539.

31 chapters, 232 pages, ~92,000 words.

     Ben and Alysia are the current incarnations of soul mates cursed, in a previous life, to be separated by a gulf of years and social norms until they fully accept their love, share a lifetime, and raise a child together. The book follows them through some of their incarnations and shows how the spirit that now inhabits Dorry, Alysia's collage girlfriend, who was the originator of the curse in a previous incarnation, has hounded them through life after life.

The Hollow Curse free chapters NC17, age 18+, adult literature.
The Hollow Curse excerpt Julie's Book Reviews.

Available from: Club Lighthouse Publishing,
Amazon on line booksellers - including Australia, Canada, UK, USA,
Barnes and Noble and Nook, Kobo, and other booksellers.

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Copyright © 2009, Stephen B. Pearl
by GISjoy